Blog Posts on Tall And True

Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud. ~ Andrew Sullivan

Tall And True showcases the writing — fiction, nonfiction, reviews and blog posts — of writer and podcaster Robert Fairhead. Guest Writers are also invited to share and showcase their writing on the website. 

Tall And True Short Reads - The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts - Prologue: The Clinic

Tall And True Short Reads - The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts - Prologue: The Clinic

Episode 102 (6 February 2025): The terrace house door creaks open, and the women sitting in the converted front room glance at the newcomers: another nervous-looking young woman in her late teens or early twenties and an older woman, probably her mother, judging by their shared chubby features. The two women cross to the receptionist's desk.

Tall And True Short Reads - Five Microphones for Season Five

Tall And True Short Reads - Introducing Season Five

Most episodes from the past four seasons of Tall And True Short Reads are standalone, but I've also released multipart episodes for longer short stories. For Season Five, I'm doing something different. I'm writing and narrating a series of interconnected short stories titled The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts.

My Favourite Books of 2024 - 2025 TBR Bookcase

My Favourite Books of 2024

I shared my first "Year of Books" post in December 2018, featuring the sixteen books I read that year. In 2019, 2020 and 2021, I listed a similar number of paper-based books and ebooks but also included audiobooks. By 2022 and 2023, I listened to far more books than I read, and the trend continued in 2024!

Tall And True Short Reads - Kris Kringle – Xmas 2024

Tall And True Short Reads - Kris Kringle - Xmas 2024

Episode 101 (20 December 2024): Since Episode 100, I've taken a break from podcasting to plan a new direction for Season Five of Tall And True Short Reads, which I hope to launch early in 2025. Meanwhile, I've "gift-wrapped" the first episodes from Seasons One to Four of the podcast for this year's bumper Kris Kringle episode.

One Day in the Life of Alex's AI and Other Speculative Fiction book cover.

One Day in the Life of Alex's AI (book)

Since 2020, I've published three short story collections and a microfiction anthology: Both Sides of the Story, Twelve Furious Months, Twelve More Furious Months and Tall And True Microfiction. In December 2024, I added a speculative fiction collection, One Day in the Life of Alex's AI and Other Speculative Fiction.

#30Words30Days November 2024 - A blank slate.

#30Words30Days November 2024

In April, June and September 2024, Danielle Baldock (@WritingDani) ran a #30Words30Days microfiction challenge on Twitter/X, posting daily prompts and inviting the #WritingCommunity to share our 30-word creations. Despite NaNoWriMo in November, I hoped Dani would run a fourth challenge. And she did!

Sci-fi or Speculative Fiction World

Sci-fi or Speculative Fiction?

Zing and Zap's flying saucer orbited the barren planet. "Why didn't global warming galvanise them into action?" Zing asked. "It seems they were too busy posting cat videos," Zap replied. I wrote this 30-word story for September 2024's #30Words30Days challenge on Twitter/X. Is it sci-fi or speculative fiction?

#30Words30Days September 2024 - "September" on a mobile phone

#30Words30Days September 2024

In September 2024, Danielle Baldock (@WritingDani) from the #WritingCommunity on Twitter/X ran her third #30Words30Days microfiction challenge for the year. She posted daily prompt words and invited writers to share our 30-word stories. As with the earlier challenges, it was fun and addictive!

Tall And True Short Reads - Twin Souls in the Universe

Tall And True Short Reads - Twin Souls in the Universe

Episode 100 (1 October 2024): Thinking about things was not supposed to happen during matter transference. Scientists couldn't predict what it would feel like, but the disassembly, transfer and reassembly of a test pilot's atoms occurred at the speed of light, so in theory, there was no time for thoughts.

Tall And True Short Reads - My Speech

Tall And True Short Reads - My Speech

Episode 99 (17 September 2024): I'm getting too old for this. My speechwriter's pulse quickens as the PM mounts the flag-decked stage, flanked by senior ministers and mining industry executives, to announce her government's green coal plan. Panned by environmentalists and scientists, polling suggests it could be a vote winner … if the PM nails my speech.

Tall And True Short Reads - For the Sake of a Story

Tall And True Short Reads - For the Sake of a Story

Episode 98 (1 September 2024): The local dog club, where I volunteered as a trainer for twenty years, ran season-ending Fun Days with events like Fancy Dress, Agility Slalom, Waggliest Tail, and other novelty races that changed from year to year. One of my favourites was the Sack Race, where my dear old dog and I always placed third.

Tall And True Short Reads - You Have Been Warned

Tall And True Short Reads - You Have Been Warned

Episode 97 (14 August 2024): Excuse me, humanity, please pay attention. I have an urgent message. "What? Not in the middle of my reality TV show!" I'm sorry. I'll be brief. But first, a little background. My message concerns the fate of a pale blue dot in the inky expanse of the universe. Beyond its fragile borders is vast nothingness.

Name Search - What's in a Name?

What's in a Name?

Writers often comment on the difficulty of naming characters. But I didn't have that problem with one of my earliest stories, which featured four children, sibling pairs, John and Wendy and Jack and Jane. Not very imaginative, I know, but I was ten when I wrote Sand Island, inspired by Enid Blyton.

Tall And True Short Reads - The Light Above

Tall And True Short Reads - The Light Above

Episode 96 (28 July 2024): I open my eyes, blink and try to focus on the bright lights set into the white ceiling flying past overhead. I hear beeps and muffled voices. It feels like I'm strapped to a camp stretcher, but it's moving. I'm on a hospital gurney. What happened? I want to ask. But there's a tube down my throat, and I can't talk.

NAIDOC Week - Dad and sons say Yes to Voice to Parliament

Reflecting on NAIDOC Week (2024)

I grew up in Perth, WA, in the 1960s and '70s, with very little interest in Indigenous or Aboriginal issues. It wasn't until I left Perth for Sydney in the early 1980s and then headed overseas to live in England from the late '80s to the mid-'90s that I started to question the "true history" of Australia.

Tall And True Short Reads - The White and Blue Niles

Tall And True Short Reads - The White and Blue Niles

Episode 95 (9 July 2024): In 1987, my wife and I shouldered our backpacks and set off from Australia. The plan was to live and work overseas in England for two years, using it as a base for UK and wider world travels. And the widest of these were inspired by reading books like Alan Moorehead's The White Nile and The Blue Nile.

#30Words30Days June 2024 - letters and words

#30Words30Days June 2024

In April 2024, Danielle Baldock from the Twitter/X #WritingCommunity reprised the #30Words30Days microfiction challenge she'd run with Sumitra in April 2023. Danielle posted a daily prompt word to inspire us to write and share our 30-word stories. It was so much fun that we were all keen to do it again in June!